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How can I find old magazine articles? Where would I search for these?
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2022     Views: 30434

If you have a specific magazine in mind, you can search for the title using the Journal Search

Many articles can be found by using the library search.  Using Advanced Search, you can limit your search to articles by selecting the option above the search box.

You may also locate articles by jumping directly to the Databases A-Z list and using the Subject dropdown to narrow your search by topic.

Here is a selection of databases you may find helpful when looking for magazine articles:

American Periodicals
Special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and many other historically-significant periodicals. Includes Ladies' Home Journal, Harper's, and professional journals.

Periodicals Index Online 
Article citations in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Covers 40 languages and dialects, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages. Includes bibliographic citations, but no abstracts.

Readers' Guide Retrospective, 1890-1982 
Index of articles from magazines, including full coverage of the original print volumes of Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature. Atlantic Monthly, Century Magazine, Christian Century, Commonweal, Foreign Affairs, Fortnightly Review (London), Good Housekeeping, Harper's, Ladies Home Journal, Literary Digest, The Nation, New Republic, Reader's Digest, Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Review, Scribner's, and Women's Home Companion.

Don't forget paper magazines! We also have magazines in bound print format. Many of these are located in the Central Library on the 6th floor. You can browse them by title. 

If you need further assistance, send a question to Ask a Librarian, consult one of the Libraries' many subject specialists, or contact the library you need. 

Answered By: Ask A Librarian