I can’t connect to my journal/ article/ebook/video/database. What should I do?


  • Make sure a resource is being accessed through a Vanderbilt IP address or if off-campus, through the proxy server. It’s always best to connect to a resource via a link on the library website, research guide, or catalog.
    • If you have bookmarked a resource directly from the website of the database or journal, you may not be recognized as a Vanderbilt user. You can format a URL to use the Library’s proxy server by prepending http://proxy.library.vanderbilt.edu/login?url= to the actual URL. For example: http://proxy.library.vanderbilt.edu/login?url=https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/35. Please note that if the library does not subscribe to the title, access will not be available.
  • Try clearing your browser’s cache, cookies, and browser history. See the VUIT guide for instructions.  
  • Try a different browser - some resources may work better with different browsers.


Still unable to connect? Submit a report via the Ask a Librarian button. Please include as many details as possible including the full citation, URL of resource and how you are accessing (e.g., via catalog, bookmark, or database), whether you were prompted to log in, the text of any error message, screenshots, etc. to help us troubleshoot the problem.

  • Last Updated Apr 10, 2020
  • Views 251
  • Answered By Erin Loree

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